Friday, November 2, 2012

How to change NewDataSet xml root name while creating xml using WriteXml() method of Dataset?

This is default behavior of WriteXml() method when we create xml then it adds  <NewDataSet> node as root xml node and <Table> as child node. In this article, I am explaining- How to change <NewDataSet> xml root name while creating xml using WriteXml() method of Dataset?

Let first see the default case-

Suppose you we have one DataSet object ds and we are filling it will data source, like this-

Dataset ds= new DataSet();
ds= datasource;

After that we are using WriteXml() method to create XML, like this-


Then in this case output will be like this-

    <Emp_Name>Jitendra Faye</Emp_Name>

Here we can see that <NewDataSet> and   <Table> is default tag here.

Now to change these default tag follow this code, Here I am changing <NewDataSet> tag as <EmployeeRecords> tag and <Table> tag as <Employee> tag.

Here is code-

Dataset ds= new DataSet();
ds= datasource;

//Giving Name to DataSet, which will be displayed as root tag


//Giving Name to DataTable, which will be displayed as child tag

ds.Tables[0].TableName = "Employee";

//Creating XML file

Now after executing this above code generated XML file will be like this-

    <Emp_Name>Jitendra Faye</Emp_Name>

Here we can see that DataSet name is coming as root tag and DataTable name is coming as child tag.


Before giving name to DataTable (ds.Tables[0].TableName) first check that it should not be null otherwise it will cause an error.


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